Teachings, Ceremonies & Healings from the Ancient Culture of the Peruvian Aymara.
Mama Coca / Silvia Calisaya
Aymara Healer from Lake Titikaka
Introductory Lecture: Aymara Cosmovision in this New Time and the Secret of the Chakana (The Serpent and the Path to a Spiritual Life)
7pm to 9pm, 20th November 2024, Toorak, Victoria.
Donation $30 per attendee.
Silvia will speak about the cosmovision of the Aymara tradition and explain about the Chakana the rules that the world needs in this new time.
To Book see Try Bookings Here
Weekend Workshop
1st Day Workshop: Cleansing In the Aymara Tradition
9am to 5pm, 23rd November 2024
Yarra Valley, Australia
Lunch included. Accomodation available.
Silvia will speak about the significance of Amaru, the snake, as symbol of the purest, original, feminine energy.
She will teach us how to connect and awaken the Amaru (serpent) medicine; the powerful life force that resides within us and the Mother Earth, understanding about the seven temples and how this is important for any healer and healing in the andean tradition.
We will do Kuty Ceremony, Family Mesa and Water Ceremony.
2nd Day Workshop: The 13 Principals for Spiritual Life
9am to 5pm, 24th November 2024
Yarra Valley, Australia
Lunch included. Accomodation available.
How to activate our medicine (Amaru), Learning the 13 Aymara principles, Ayni ceremony. In the second part of the workshop we will learn about the importance of ceremony in our lives. In her tradition, every single day is lived in ceremony (13 Principles).
We will learn about the fire ceremony with “Ayni”, which means living in a state of gratitude and resciprocity is an essential ingredient of living a sacred life in harmonious balance with all of creation.
To Book see Try Bookings Here
One day of the weekend workshop $215, discount for both days $420. Includes lunches and morning and afternoon teas.
Accommodation available – please book directly with Phoenix on 0407 650 026 or Click HERE
Camping $10 per night
Shared room $35 per night
Own room $65 per night
Private Sessions, Healings and Coca Readings
15th to 27th November 2024 Silvia will be visiting Melbourne and the Yarra Valley, Australia to offer individual sessions, healings and readings.
On private sessions Silvia can do:
Soul retrieval
Kuty ceremony
Health ceremony
Bookings: Contact Phoenix on 0407 650 026 or Click HERE
Silvia Calisaya Chuquimia is a traditional Aymara healer descended from the pre-Inca people who inhabit the southern Lake Titicaca region. She was born and raised in a small highland village, she left as a young woman to pursue her education and professional life, and later returned to the traditional teachings of her people.
She is an expert at the ancient art of reading coca leaves for divination and healing, and is the proprietor of the Coca Leaf Museum in Puno, Peru. Coca is a sacred plant for the inhabitants of the Andes, still held in veneration among the indigenous and mestizo peoples of South America.
“My grandmother was my first university; she was a healer and midwife … I started learning many things from her, as well as the coca reading. I began to seek more information about the origin of the leaves, and why the native people were still using them. In doing this, I found the life philosophy of the Aymaras still living in this part of the world, and following their traditional healing practices.”
Silvia comes to share the philosophy, teachings, and traditions of the Aymara, as well as the history of the ancient people still living in PERU.
Questions: Contact Phoenix on 0407 650 026 or Contact