Victoria, Australia


consciousness Tag

Innate Wisdom Connection / Posts tagged "consciousness" (Page 2)


There are changes here at Innate Wisdom Connection and exciting news! This year has been one of tidal wave changes for me and for IWC. With trust and keeping focused on the vision, this is what is unfolding: I have had a long-term dream of creating a healing place in nature all my life. At the last two week retreat I consolidated this intention and shared it when I stepped into the Intention Circle. Soon after I let go of my home in Warburton and the very next day the right place presented itself. I, along with my partner Daryl, will be custodian of 2 beautiful acres by a gorgeous creek adjacent to magnificent state forest in Reefton, 20 minutes into the mountains from Warburton in the Upper...


ONE DAY MAT WORK IN THE MOUNTAINS 'Mat-work' is the main powerful healing and transformational core processes of Innate Wisdom Connection. It is an opportunity for an individual (or couple / other combinations or family / household) to work through whatever is coming up in safety and with facilitation.  Everybody else participates, shares in, and benefits from the healing journey that unfolds. To book visit or Book Now or Heal and transform together - the power of groupwork! Mat-work is an experiential process which is directed by the innate healing wisdom of the person (or people) whose process it is. Thus no one mat-work will look like another. Work on your stuff. Connect with IWC community. Insights, depth, self- understanding in this nourishing and experiential one-day workshop. Including discussions, sharings Innate Wisdom Connection’s unique...

The Conscious & the Unconscious

“But if we understand anything of the unconscious, we know that it cannot be swallowed. We also know that it is dangerous to suppress it, because the unconscious is life and this life turns against us if suppressed, as happens in neurosis. Conscious and unconscious do not make a whole when one of them is suppressed and injured by the other. Both are aspects of life. Consciousness should defend its reason and protect itself, and the chaotic life of the unconscious should be given the chance of having its way too - as much of it as we can stand. This means open conflict and open collaboration at once. That, evidently, is the way human life should be.” ― C.G. Jung So much of the unconscious drives us - and we...


WARMING THE STONE CHILD - Healing for the unmothered child Just about everyone has inner children that need connecting with and healing, we invite you on this helpful and accessible healing journey in community. The inner child or younger parts that are locked away in our psyches holding unresolved issues around overwhelming experiences in childhood are also a metaphorical and collective mythic symbol that can be worked with. The pain of abandonment, both real and metaphorical, can cast a shadow over our entire adult experience. Join me as we embark on a three week course by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run With The Wolves, alongside sharing and reflection to gently and lovingly explore the abandoned child archetype in world myths and cultures. Dates: Wednesday evenings 8, 15...

Shadow Work

“Why work with the shadow?” Because there are unconscious forces driving our lives that if we bring into awareness we: - Have choices to transform - Are empowered to heal ourselves and the world - Connect the dots around many confusing aspects of our past and present - Remember and integrate hidden parts of ourselves - Reconnect more fully to who we are and what we are here for - Accept and be present with others and their shadows - Open to much that can expand and evolve our lives What is it? The Shadow can be seen as that which we have had to, or chosen, to push away, avoid, disown, reject in ourselves. Very often it’s what we don’t like in others (far easier to see others’ shadows than our own). When...