What helps us get through lockdown
Phoenix writes:
As this is being written much of Australia is under lockdown. A few weeks ago I gathered people’s responses to my question of ‘What are ways you are getting through such times?’
Many people responded and the results may be very helpful. Here is a quick synthesis of their responses, we hope these helpful ideas, hints and encouragement help…as well as knowing that you are not alone in this.
What has helped:
Being Physical was high on many people’s lists:
- Moving the body
- Yoga
- Music
- Dancing
- Exercise
- Gardening
- Online zen meditation
- Chi Gong on youtube
- Walking the dogs
- Walking outdoors
- Virtual exercise classes
Attending to, helping, connecting with and being involved with other people:
- Encouraging others
- Connection with friends online and local community (including housemates)
- Reading aloud to friends
- Living in community
- Friendships
- Finding out the people in my life who have good bullshit detectors
- Meeting new friends of high caliber
- Letting go of some friends
- Friends who make me laugh
- Contact with friends
- Phone contact
- PBS community radio
- Friendship with fellow humans
Many are finding these times as opportunities for Personal Development
- Overcoming the discomfort of big decision making & fear of the unknown
- Meditation
- Really absorbing the stillness of being present
Relationships: Partners, family and pets are at top of on many people’s list
- Care visits to my mum
- TV & my dogs
- My lover & my doggo
- Mother and husband
- My dogs
- Talking to my mother
- Embracing the extra time with my children
- Love
- Cat cuddles
Time, space and quiet:
- The opportunity for solitude
- Silence and time
- Meditation
- Listening to music
- Home
Setting challenges:
- Cooking complicated things for the fun of it
- Decluttering and reorganising my home
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Writing my Book
- Making sure I use time well
- Book writing
- Learning my baritone ukelele
- Painting watercolours
- Renovations
- Learning to play musical instruments
- Teaching permaculture
Finding self-empowerment or resilience:
- Myself and myself
- Being discerning
- Being Aspergers
- Acceptance
- Learning to cope with masks and other Covidsafe measures.
What people surrounded themselves was a priority for many:
- Not buying into lies. Not watching TV.
- Finding like-minded people and voices of reason to transcend all the BS
- Not watching news
- My garden
- Staying off Facebook.
- Avoiding the MSN (mainstream news)
- Acceptance and not getting caught up in fear or outside pressure
- Music
- Loyal customers & staff
Spirituality or faith has helped for those who feel it:
- God
- Spirit
- Universe
- Jesus
- Shamanic practices
Nature has been very helpful:
- Exploring
- Walking alone in nature
- The garden (always something to do)
- Beach
- Forest
Support, while at first not important, became increasingly something to consider:
- Therapy
- Learning about and sharing the early treatment options
- My therapist
- My partners’ feedback when the anger beats me
- Workshops
Routine helped those who thrive with knowing there is some certainty and structure:
- Creating a routine for myself
- Gratitude
- Taking it one day at a time
Feeling emotions and expressing them was very helpful
- Feeling fear as a physical sensation in my body was excellent for my nervous system, and to remain grounded throughout.
- Friendship with my emotions
- Moving my emotions
Technology was appreciated:
- Loved that there are live zoom sessions to connect with other souls
- Audiobooks
- Thank goodness for the internet. Imagine if it didn’t exist
- Online learning
Other things helped for some and not for others:
- Naked Chocolate brownies
- Ceremonial cacao
- Cannabis
- Ignoring it and getting on with living
- People not talking about cov*d
- My individuality and my strong desire to succeed
- Various locations that are special and relaxing to people
- Having fun with eye expression and realising with care some people are scared.
- No attachments
- Pappadams
Whatever helps you, may it bring support, resources you never realised you had, inner strength, resilience and wellness. We also realise that some people are sunk in big difficulties and even black holes and need intensive support. Please speak to us about this or anything else.