Victoria, Australia


What others experienced

Innate Wisdom Connection / What others experienced

What Others Experienced

We dream, we create Leap forward, hesitate Made up then undone The journey has just begun………….” – Christina Reeves

Christina Reeves

“Thank you so much for your support and caring. I feel encourage to open again and shine.” – Menka


“A beautiful truly safe space with a group of varied but equally inspiring people. Sururparising, enlightening and absolutely worth every second. I didnt want it to end.” – Alarna


‘Thank you for providing a safe space away from the madness of our world...‘ – Nicole Fisher

Nicole Fisher

“Changed my life and lightened my load forever! I was…challenged, seen, nurtured… If opening your heart to a new level is your dream, you could possibly find it here! I did! Thank-you Phoenix for your generosity of spirit!” Debbie Garrard

Debbie Garrard

“Deep sense of my personal power…groundedness…boldness and a raw, fresh approach from Phoenix, beautifully guided with the right amount of directness.” Asher Glass

Asher Glass

“Whatever Phoenix presents, you just know it will be incredible!” Annie Slaughter

Annie Slaughter

“The work that Phoenix and Mike do is beyond your wildest dreams. A safe place to face that which scares you most and embrace that which empowers you and allows you to reconnect with your best self; one that you may have even forgotten. I feel so blessed that your paths have intertwined and will keep these magical souls in my heart and in my life”

Anthea Merson

“Phoenix and Mike put so much attention, energy and effort into every person. It’s unwavering the support they provide. In my experience, you may even save money in the long run by targeting the core beliefs or emotional blockages that are creating symptomatic challenges in life. Live a fuller life and dive deep with IWC!”

Christine Do

It’s been over one month since I completed the 3 week “Deep changer” retreat which afforded me the most profound healing experience of my life. Being part of the group was intense but with Mike and Phoenix’s guidance it felt very safe. I came with long term physical pain which was greatly reduced through emotional release. The pain has not returned. Much gratitude to Mike and Phoenix and everyone who was part of my journey.

Russell Barrett

“I have received so much more on the other side of the experience, and changes simply unfold in their own time. My awareness to check in, or understand situations with clarity is an ongoing work, and the insights keep presenting. Time seems irrelevant, but the healing keeps unfolding, so for this I am grateful. It’s important to know it’s your experience whatever that is for you. Phoenix and Mike check in constantly while holding the space. And on the other side. I was held/ I was safe/ I was sooo supported by Phoenix and Mike and the group participants in the most amazing way. Was there judgment? No! Was there compassion? Yes, all within a session. I have to say, there have been many sessions over the past year – you just never know what your innate wisdom needs. But when I trust the process and simply allow, the possibilities for me have been endless and I know myself much more. Thanks Phoenix and Mike. I am looking forward to the next workshop KNOWING ALL IS WELCOME HERE.”

“When I sat on the mat of transformation I remember sharing a few stories – I wondered at times if I was rambling – but then I discovered they all played a role in allowing me to go deeper, to unfold the essence of what I needed, and to trust that if I didn’t know, my innate wisdom did. And sometimes it wasn’t what I thought I needed, but the experience was what I needed in order to heal and to create new ways of thinking and being.

“When I discovered Innate Wisdom Connection with Phoenix and Mike, I discovered much more: – a space where all was welcome; a space which was held in order for my story or worries to unfold; and, on the retreats, a space to be connected with others in a group situation. I realised how much we learn and feel and experience from each other. I realised I am not alone – and that was comforting and confronting to let people in. The power of being witnessed and supported by the community, however I was in that moment, was amazing.

“Having attended a Friday evening, Saturday / Sunday Healing and Transformation workshop, the space opened and the container that space was held within, was remarkable.I witnessed the combination of Phoenix and Mike working in tandem, as they brought strength and light as required, whilst our group journeyed to unite disparate perspectives, air deep wounding and move towards new ways of relating to old trauma. The experience was unrushed, challenging, deep, heartfelt and healing. Starting with grief and anger, the combination of verbal knowledge, shared activities and tools for our group to take home and use in our lives was of great quality. Not only did I witness the rebonding of family relationships in front of my eyes, we went back through time as a collective, and on into our potential futures. I learnt a lot about starting with what is, as it is, right now. I am very grateful.”

Philip Bateman

“Phoenix and Mike do super transformative work that’s really changed my life. I just love the way Phoenix and Mike create safe space for people to share so honestly about our pasts, whether we’ve been hurt or done the hurting (and it’s always both), and to let our emotions run free and to really see each others humanness. It’s a sacred thing to behold. So sad how much pain there is…and so freeing to know it’s not just me.. thank you to Phoenix and Mike and to the whole beautiful group.”

Theo Kitchener

I didn’t know what to expect but wow you exceeded any and all idea’s I may have on what that may look like. Your work is beautifully paced. I loved the combination of both your energies, Mike’s theory/science explanations as well as his grounded shamanic practice to back up Phoenix’s light and playful yet deep shamanic healing art sometimes subtle and sometimes more obvious. I saw so much in the healing/therapy, elements of somatic bodywork, energy work, mindfulness and psychodrama – all the things I love and probably more I didn’t see or have yet to encounter. I experienced personal healing on a profound level and feel very excited about what possibilities may lay ahead.”

Heather Cavill Greer, Psychotherapist, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master

“I’m so grateful that you have shared yourselves and your work with me and the world. I put it out to the universe that I find someone doing a mix of Psychotherapy & Shamanic healing that I could learn from only about 6 weeks ago and here you both are!

“I came to innate wisdom connection knowing that something was very wrong in the way I live my life. I was miserable, angry, alone. Blaming others for my problems. Feeling very stuck. Desperate for help. Phoenix and Mike have given me tools to understand myself and my problems so much better than I could ever have imagined. Using these tools I have been able to begin unlocking the chains of my social conditioning wrapped around me. They have helped me realise I can’t keep blaming other people for my problems. That most of my problems are within me, how I see things, the situations that I create, the parts of myself which I reject and try to bury.”


“Phoenix and Mike just wanted to say thanks for holding such a safe space for the 6 week personal development group. It was great to meet people and build trust to share how life has been for myself during the COVID experience. I was feeling very isolated so an option to connect was great. I always feel nervous around joining groups but the both of you work so well together holding space for people. I looked forward each week to connecting with the group and each week I took something away to support myself. I loved the way we could share with each other and how flexible you both were to support what was coming up in the group and how adaptable you both where. I loved that anything was welcome and that I could cry laugh or feel any emotions l was feeling. I love that nothing was too much. It was pretty special and I’m looking forward to the next one. Feeling grateful to all involved thanks so much.”


“The basic principles in IWC that make it so real for me, I’d summarise as: ‘Learning to know one’s own (emotion/mind/experience) so that one may tunefully engage with right action for the self’. This quest for self knowledge & acknowledging the truth of what’s happened is the path of healing. The group work is a quantum process because we are both actor & observer – as many are in life. We don’t place ourselves in the hands of a healer who ‘does it to us’ we are guided as a group to heal ourselves 💓💓💓.”

Catheryn Thompson

‘What an amazing and hugely enriching visit…thank you Phoenix Arrien , Mike Lowe & Daryl Hosking for creating a magical space for healing, rest & rejuvenation at Soulsong last weekend.
With all the challenges that presented…rain, cold and mud included! Feel so blessed to hv journeyed with so many beautiful souls. 💖💖’ – Jude Dayhew

‘Such an incredible tribe of people I had the honour to journey with over the last 4 days @soulsongsanctuary.. A deep transformational retreat held in the middle of the forest in the beautiful Warburton Ranges. Feeling so nourished, connected and ready to open my next life chapter ♥️ With Innate Wisdom Connection Thankyou Phoenix Arrien 🦅’- Belinda Lee

‘I’m home from the most deeply moving week-long ‘Healing & Transformation Retreat’ in the forest…
I am in absolute awe of Phoenix Arrien ‘s work, with her colleague Robin, in supporting participants to face and move through some pretty tough shit.
I miss my retreat buddies and the routine – ‘soicle’ sharing time, dancing, emotional expression, ‘mattress of liberation’ trauma processing, delicious nutritious feeds, slowwww meditation walks, fireside chats, self-discovery and the donging and dinging of the gong and bowl…
Look up Innate Wisdom Connection for deets about upcoming workshops and retreats.’ – Jane Pierin
“Thanks for bringing it to life Phoenix, it was a wonderful journey. 💚” Penny Breton.
I absolutely loved the experience Phoenix. Thank you so much. 🙏🏻💖 – Marilyn Copeland.
“There has been nothing better than every Wednesday evening setting my space with a candle my recliner and a snug blanket, OO along with my pastels / pencils/ and sketch book. The opportunity to come together with a group of beautiful wise women to have Phoenix hold space and open the stories up. To be heard validated was a given. To rock up with your own experience and to hear from each other allowed for vulnerability and laughter in-fact all emotions. The story took myself on a deep journey unfolding and continuing to unfold my own wise self and a true way to walk in the world. Feeling grateful and looking forward to more possibilities of story telling/ experiencing and connecting. My beautiful SCARS !!!! Thanks phoenix and ladies amen and a little women heeeeee” – Liz Kinnane
“My time with the Dangerous Old Women group was incredible! The Estes stories are powerful teachers for this time of my Life. It is enriching to explore my Self while in connection and togetherness with other like-minded women in their sacred lives too. I really encourage everyone to give yourself this experience. It has changed my life!” – Cathy Saleta.

“It was incredible and the shifts continue ❤️I especially enjoyed the company of women. The multitude of connections, personal wisdom and interpretations. This helped me to better understand or claim my own inner wise woman. Happy to share this with others too” – Pam Corcoran

These groups offer a chance to explore a deeper knowing of patterns and protectors that have are impacting on my life, it provides a safe space to explore with support and practise ways to heal from these experiences.
I find these groups allow me to know lm not alone it is away of having connection with like minded people. Its great work that is easy to put in place for yourself to practise and heal.
Phoenix is amazing at holding space which allows what is needed to unfold. So grateful for the work. – Liz Kinnane

“I did the healing the intimate shadows workshop with Phoenix and Robin. I got a lot out of it including learning about communication and boundaries in relationships. I liked how the workshop was very experiential so we could practise everything we learned. Some parts of the workshop were also a bit out of my comfort zone which is where the real growth happened and I could feel myself getting closer to my authentic self. Phoenix and Robin were highly skilled, and compassionate and also knew when to challenge me. I would highly recommend them.” – Danny Roth

Many years and lives healed with love and gentle guidance. I am blessed to have found this work. This will be the beginning of the rest of my life.” – Shannon



“I have just returned from a week-long healing & transformation retreat. It was truly, deeply wonderful and I’m recommending the facilitator’s offerings. Phoenix Arrien is a beautiful soul, who has the capacity, skills and experience to really *hold* her clients/workshop participants and guide people through dark places towards/into light. There are a bunch of workshops coming up. She does individual work online if anyone’s interested”. – J. J

Many years and lives healed with love and gentle guidance. I am blessed to have found this work. This will be the beginning of the rest of my life.” – Shannon



“I have just returned from a week-long healing & transformation retreat. It was truly, deeply wonderful and I’m recommending the facilitator’s offerings. Phoenix Arrien is a beautiful soul, who has the capacity, skills and experience to really *hold* her clients/workshop participants and guide people through dark places towards/into light. There are a bunch of workshops coming up. She does individual work online if anyone’s interested”. – J. J

“Thank you for providing this healing experience – I feel I have been connected to my inner self and believing now no matter what the circumstances  I have the truth and strength to stand tall. I love me and I need to take care of her, we are all connected” – Jennie

Spending the past week in this sweet town of Iluka, participating in a retreat, diving deep into the psyche. I was gifted this retreat at a moment in time when the earth felt pulled from beneath me. The time up here has reminded me that everything is unfolding in its own sacred alignment, and when I can soften and move with the waters of life, the gifts waiting to be received are far more valuable then the experiences that are left behind. I am so grateful to Innate Wisdom Connection…the inner burdens my psyche has been carrying are resolving into the past where they belong. Me and my inner child are ready to work alongside each other…..let the rebirth begin” – Michelle Jayne

“Thankyou to Phoenix Arrien & Mike Lowe for an amazing weekend at the Trauma, Trust & Sex Workshop retreat. It was truly such an invaluable experience which has helped me clarify, clear, heal & release so much that was needed (to be)! And to all the beautiful souls i shared the space with, thankyou so much,“  – Carolyn Davies

“Experienced rich and deep connection at the recent Innate Wisdom weekend…with Phoenix Arrien and Mike Lowe – Margaret Schubert

“Trauma Trust and Sex WOW what a week. What did I learn?
Phoenix and Mike are incredibly skillful compassionate healers.
Emotions are held in our body until they are fully felt and expressed.
Emotions are a gift and when fully felt and expressed they become integrated.
If I don’t allow myself to go all the way through them then I will not be able to integrate them and I will remain in fear, fear of the pain, grief and the vulnerability loving entails. When my emotions are integrated I can see them, feel them and allow them to be as they are or to leave with grace.
At the end of the week with Phoenix and Mike I’m feeling incredibly grateful, more skilled, deeply grounded and confident in empathically connecting with everyone from me to anybody I come in contact with. I also learnt to have faith in myself and others and know that all beings have the capacity for emotional healing.
Give yourself a wonderful gift, it could be a week that changes your life forever, like it did mine.” – Peter Mc

“Gratitude abounds for this profound open healing and nature connection that you have  facilitated, I highly recommend any one who has such a desire to take the plunge and plug into what your years of connection have led you to offer.” – Ursula

“Nothing could have prepared me for the beautiful surprise and gift of friendship, kinship and spirit friends as we all gathered in honour of connecting back to Mother Earth, Gaia, Spirit, Source. In love.” – JoaAnne Hewatt

My innate wisdom has always known that I would need to grieve for all that I have lost on my journey through life. I feel this year marks the beginning of my return to self through grief, joy and love. The serendipity of discovering Innate Wisdom Connection at this time in my life leaves me speechless in gratitude. After the workshop this weekend I wrote a poem as part of my integration, called “Her Life Boat”, that I’d like to share:


She found herself out at sea
And realised she had been there a long time
Like coming out of a dream
Where she had been swimming, swimming for years on end
But now she had awoken
And could feel how her arms had tired
And she knew the only thing to do
Was to let the waves
Carry her to shore.
Is a feeling so great
That our minds will do all they can to fight it
Like a small child in a storm
Trying to swim further out to sea
But Joy
Calls out to us
To let the breath of acceptance fill our lungs
So that we might float on our backs
And with mighty sobs of trust
Let Grief carry us
Like a life boat
to shore

May Kavelin

The woo woo woman

I know a woo woo woman who is wise at casting spells.
She dances with the spirits in many different parallels.
She holds the gifts of presence and has the foresight to foresee,
The things that really trouble us and how to set them free.
She taught me how to look inside and see that I’m enough,
Even through the dark days and when the times get tough.
She helped me step into the dark and taught me how to feel,
I wonder in my heart some days if this woo woo woman’s real.
She lead me on a journey and helped walk within my shame,
Now I’m growing and I’m healing in the sake of my own name.
I honour and acknowledge her for showing me the way,
And how my own innate connection can brighten up a day.
Here’s to the woo woo woman weaving magic round the sun,
I see you and I hear you, thank you for all you’ve done.

Luke Argall

“Just wanted to let you know how refreshed I feel after the weekend…this morning I woke up feeling renewed. The weekend started off slowly for me, thinking I wasn’t going to get much out of it but that shifted on Sunday. I learnt so much about “holding sacred space” and on a personal level I am feeling a shift occur. The forming of a new neural pathway perhaps!! Anyway it’s exciting and I am very interested in the “mysterious”way you 2 work individually and together. It’s mysterious to me in a positive way and I know I will have this experience again one day. Thanks so much.” – Andrea francine

“Thank you Phoenix Arrien, Mike Lowe and the group for providing such an incredible space for transformation and healing at HugTrees over the weekend. The experiential journey through supporting as part of an amazing group contributed so much to my personal healing and expansion of my awareness. I was so grateful that my route home passed by an area where I could stop by the beach and immerse myself in the sunset as I reflected on my journey. I’m now entering uncharted waters as I set forth to see where this takes me 💛” – Vanessa Beckitt

“I had been longing to have time in the forest to tune in to a deeper connection with nature and I certainly had that experience with you. As I lay on the forest floor in my sacred space the wind whipped up and I raised my arms and they began to dance with the wind and then dissolved becoming the wind. This for me is a taster of things to come and I am profoundly thankful for your facilitation of such an opening.

“On another note I had had a profound connection with Mike and within the safeness of the space created I was able to heal long time  wounds of mistrust with the masculine.

”I feel so deeply transformed after experiencing the Eco Healing Adventure in the Tarkine with Phoenix and Mike. I experienced such deep connection to myself, the other particpants and Source through the magic of the Tarkine Wilderness and the profound and powerful processes that our Facilitators guided us through.

Phoenix and Mike created a safe sacred space for authentic relating, allowing participants to unfold, release and transform in their own natural rhythm. It was such an honour to be a part of a process that enabled men and women to come together in this way and to witness, honour and bless each others journey as we brought our shadows into the light and worked through the processes in a very real way, enabling us to express our rawness and our vulnerability and be held safely in this space.

What I loved most about this retreat was that the Facilitators were an equal part of our group, experiencing the journey for themselves as well as holding the space. It was very humbling and made it a very real experience for me – we were all traversing this together. Rather than being dictated to by experts Mike and Phoenix skillfully opened the space for each participant’s inner wisdom to shine through and guide their own journey through the process. I highly recommend this experience for anyone wanting to experience deep connection on all levels” – Christina Reeves

“I felt so deeply grounded & connected to my inner knowing through the processes Facilitated by Phoenix & the tribe that I want to learn more fully about how these processes of tribal connection & communal support allow for this deep healing between self & other. I recommend this weekend retreat not only for the rediscovery of ones innate connection to self but also for the mediator – one who facilitates this deeper connection between each other. Phoenix is awesome. She’s a magic woman, a true shaman, and Mike, a respectful guide, assisting particularly the men on the journey“ – Catheryn Thompson

“Words can’t express how wonderful and transformational this was! I feel so fortunate to have been a part of it. I am so grateful for such talented, inspired and supportive facilitators who created such a safe transformational space and opportunities – big big thanks Phoenix & Mike!! I am also very grateful to have been there and connected with such a wonderful, courageous and enriching group of fellow participants” – Denise xx

“Exceeded my expectations. Nurturing, growth, support, love, community, fun, deep support, nature. Utterly professional, caring, knowledgable, intuitive. Would recommend your special and deeply necessary work to anyone.” – Rob Lamicela

“I’ve had my great epiphany and answer to my pressing questions last night after I got home! Goes to show that the energies are still working on us after we leave the safe space smile emoticon Thank you everybody, it was so special!” – Fam Metje

“The greatest gift of space and time – to re-discover self, connect with the energy that nutures. To lie in the safe embrace of deep rooted forest. To breathe deep and remember I am part and always coupled with these trees, rocks, insects and animals. At times risky, but with all new adventures are. To find childlife job in the play of the breeze in the leaves to a profound conversation with the spirt of the myrtle beech giant. It is and will always be a gift to myself – these 4 days :-)” – Cass

“A gift from you, other humans and nature. I recognised a deeper need fo recommuning with nature more often; listening to ‘her’ messages and offering back to ‘her’. The retreat gave me an opportunity to reflect and connect to myself to be held and give to others in community sharing, food, friendship and new experiences.”

“Thank you so much for your support and caring. I feel encourage to open again and shine.” – Menka

“Laugh, new friend. A new community, a furthering and extending of a special web. A new seeing, a learning to smell, breathe, touch and take in nature and an urgency to protect her.” Love, Rob

“What an amazing weekend. I did a retreat. I put my stressed-out and confused pieces back together in the right order, reconnected with Nature in the rainforest and found the next step to take on my way to fulfilling my life’s purpose. Not a bad result for one weekend of work! – Fam Metje

“OMG…. Such opening to everything that is real… Heart especially…. So so grateful to you and to every person there… Love love love xo – Paul Constantin

“I am changed today and forever. Blessed we have been and blessed we are.” – Becky Lee

“Thankyou Mike Lowe & Phoenix Arrien for another life changing weekend of healing. I feel blessed to have you both as part of my journey. You have changed my life forever & helped me to release so much pain & anger. You are both such a gift to this world & the people you work with. I can not thank you enough or recommend your workshops highly enough to anyone who wants to change their life for the better. The work you do is unique & amazing. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.” – Kim Cameron

“I’m starting to see the light again and even working out what road/path I’m on and where I would like it to go or take me on this life journey…a shift/change in my life where the physical chronic pain that I had experienced for years changed and went away…I no longer feel numb with pain! This is such a relief to not be in physical pain anymore! I’ll be forever grateful to the people who supported me during that time… you know who you are.” – Teresa Buchanan

“So glad I took this opportunity to come. It was a brilliant experience and totally enjoyed the letting to and healing it gave me.”

“While I really did not know what to expect from this retreat it surprassed my expectation and I was able to tap into a deep part of myself that, as a 57 year old woman who has done many decades of work, I have not been able to access before. So while there may be more work to do yet, as a childhood abuse survivor, doors have been opened. Such love was shared by all and this experience will stay with me forever. Phoenix and Mike may our paths cross again” – Di James

It’s OK

It’s ok to smile, It’s ok to be sad.
It’s ok to be joyful and angry and glad.
Don’t be afraid to express how you feel.
I know it’s not easy when things don’t seam real.
It’s ok to sit in the guilt and the shame.
Let others support you throughout the pain.
Follow your heart and trust you’ll pull through.
Someone will be there to help and guide you.
It’s ok to be you, whoever you are.
We all have an angel, a guide or a star.
The universe is one inside of us all,
Listen to it sing, to your soul it does call.
It’s ok to be different and not to conform.
You still deserve to be loved and feel warm.
Breathe in the wonder and magic you see.
Let yourself go, let your spirit go free.

Luke Argall