Victoria, Australia


Shamanic Journeys

Innate Wisdom Connection / Healings / Shamanic Journeys
Healing Depression & Anxiety course image

Are parts of your life not working for you or is it hard to find purpose and meaning? Do you feel confused and a bit lost? Feeling you are not quite embracing or stepping fully into life?

drummingA shamanic journey may help greatly. Using drum, clap sticks or other percussion, we journey to the spirit world to gain insight and assistance for you. This may be ancestral healing, soul retrieval or finding your spirit guide/s or something else.

Going into trance state we (some people are conscious of journeying with us while others don’t) travel beyond ordinary reality to access information or people or animals or others to assist in informing and allowing healing or change in any area of our lives including family, work, location, home, spirituality and relationships.

It is safe and all you need to do is lie down and relax. Many people enjoy writing or drawing straight afterwards as part of the integration process.

For individuals, couples or groups. Sessions 1 hour. Available Mon – Friday and some Saturdays.

Contact Phoenix 0407 650026 or or through the contact page.