Healing and transformation retreats and workshops in nature and community
Innate Wisdom Connection is one of the most powerful transformative experiences being offered today. It will accelerate your healing journey, the discovery of who you really are, what your life is about and your capacity to live your fullest potential and dreams.
This is a profound in-depth journey into healing, community, nature and open-hearted love. There are four aspects to Innate Wisdom Connection that can be experienced in individual workshops or retreats, in individual sessions, or experienced as an intensive year-long journey:
Sept 18–20: Shamanic Healing & Transformation weekend online
Sept 21: Facilitated Deep Sharing and Support Group starts
Sept 22: Moving & Expressing Emotions Technique online workshop
Oct 9–11: Journey to the Wild Woman, online workshop
Oct 26–Nov 22: Deep Changer Retreat, Kinglake, VIC
Dec 3–6: Trauma, Trust & Sex, VIC
Dec 12–18: The Hero/Heroine’s Journey, VIC