Most of us have events in our lives that we cannot process at the time, especially when we were younger. Children can be resilient, but it doesn't mean that they can handle...
Most of us have events in our lives that we cannot process at the time, especially when we were younger. Children can be resilient, but it doesn't mean that they can handle...
Phoenix writes: I am panting with excited exertion. My feet are pointers, picking their way along the track that goes ever upwards, my body follows along, my spirit is stirred. Almost at the top of...
It’s great being on a spiritual path.
We do get questioned about how ‘spiritual’ our work is because we do shadow work, we help people safely feel stuff they haven’t felt before, we help people move through anger, sadness, loneliness, grief and other ‘negative’ emotions and bring science, some mainstream modalities into the healing space.
There’s lots of personal responsibility and personal power for our individual lives, deep listening, trying things, exploring strange or new, opening, allowing, softening, connecting….
…and that may include darkness, pain, confusion, uncertainty and stumbling. Not all the time but sometimes.
Mike writes: A friend asked this question recently: Do you believe in balancing a sceptical mind with an open heart? And what does that mean for you? It’s a great question and I believe...
Phoenix writes:
As this is being written much of Australia is under lockdown. A few weeks ago I gathered people’s responses to my question of ‘What are ways you are getting through such times?’
Many people responded and the results may be very helpful. Here is a quick synthesis of their responses, we hope these helpful ideas, hints and encouragement help…as well as knowing that you are not alone in this.