The Body Is In The Complete Healing Journey
Talk goes a long way…but to really complete your healing journeys the body needs attention and support.
Traumas and difficult unresolved experiences are held in the body affecting us until the body feels safe and supported to express and release.
Robin and Phoenix offer bodywork sessions depending on what is required: Shiatsu, Cherokee, Romi Romi (Māori) and Intuitive bodywork.
It works, it’s a journey and it can be a big relief for a whole host of problems.
The space is safe, the touch is nurturing and we realise just how much the areas of holding and clenching or stiffness or tension keeping on the armour of protection and holding in the wounds….have been impacting us.
We get so used to the layers of holding and protection we don’t realise what it costs us…until the body may try to let us know via reactions, pains, illness, conditions, etc.
It takes a lot of energy to keep it all on and in, oh the exhaustion, tiredness, aches, pains, tension, holding on…it can be released. Let’s work with the body to identify, let go, deeply surrender to the wisdom and connection we find when we get in touch with the body at a deep level.
Healing, health, wellness, ease, energy and openeness…it is possible for most of us with including the body in our healing journey. – Phoenix Arrien